bombardeos en Gaza

Los diarios de Theodor Herzl
Los palestinos buscan personas desaparecidas bajo los escombros de los edificios destruidos tras los ataques aéreos israelíes, en Khan Yunis, al sur de la Franja de Gaza, el 12 de enero de 2024.EFE
Khan Yunis (-), 10/01/2024.- Palestinian boy displaced from Gaza City, Muhammad Abu Shaaban, 11 years old, looks on as he gets medical treatments at Nasser Hospital, in Khan Yunis, Southern Gaza Strip, 10 January 2024. (Issued 12 January 2024). According to his family, Muhammad was injured in the head by a sniper'Äôs bullet on 26 December, as he and his father were trying to escape an area that was being hit by strikes. The doctors tried to perform several surgeries to remove the bullet but did not succeed to do so without endangering his life and recommend his transfer out of Gaza for future treatment. His family awaits for approval to travel out of the strip. More than 23,600 Palestinians and at least 1,300 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it. EFE/EPA/HAITHAM IMAD
TOPSHOT - People inspect the damage following an overnight Israeli raid on the Tulkarm refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, on January 9, 2024, amid continuing battles between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza. (Photo by Zain JAAFAR / AFP)
Gaza y la censura
Internacionales EFE foto
Internacionales EFE foto
Internacionales EFE foto
Internacionales EFE foto
-FOTODELDÍA- GAZA, 10/10/2023.- Palestinos caminan entre los escombros tras un ataque a la zona de Al-Ramal, tras un ataque israelí, este martes en la Ciudad de Gaza. Más de 700 personas han muerto y alrededor de 4.000 han resultado heridas después de que Israel comenzara a bombardear Gaza como respuesta al ataque en suelo israelí del grupo islamista Hamas, según datos ofericos por las autoridades palestinas. En total más de 3000 personas han muerto en esta escalada de violencia desde el 7 de octubre, según fuentes palestinas e israelíes. EFE/MOHAMMED SABER